So much dick crust
I'll have two number 9's, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45's, one with cheese, and a large soda.
Age 18, Male (mostly)
Man kisser
Squidward Community College
Stuck in the 2000's
Joined on 7/12/21
So much dick crust
preach brother preach
man, that must've been a shit ass therapist.
i wonder why therapy didn't help him at all i sure do
Edit: It makes me want to puke, is what I was trying to say. (Newgrounds won't post the emojis for some reason.)
I was just about to ask what it was about but I guess I glanced over the child grooming, and god. This was the first time I have heard of this drama, not really a drama follower, and yeah, doesn't matter if you change over a while, grooming a child is fucking vile.
Preachin to the choir
R I P #Disableenabling
I feel like this merits saying: Based on his NG stuff, he seems to be contemplating suicide. I would recommend that no one actively encourage him to do so, because if he died, there would probably be some knee-jerk backlash against the people who are speaking out against him. We don’t want more people defending him, and we don’t want the kid who got sent his nudes to suffer more, so don’t go into that kind of territory.
Johnny has a reputation of protraying himself as miserable as possible for ass pats, its nasty he's trying to make himself the victim here
dude is pathetic even as a sex pest
That's kind of what happens when you show yourJohnnydick to 15 year olds
@Thetageist This is probably the best thing anyone can do given how he's reacting to all this.
If he goes through with it then it's just going to become a fever fucked nightmare for the victim. He does need to be held accountable given the information that has come out and I hope he gets a deeper level of help. It doesn't make me happy in the slightest with the information on what happened that said.
why is it always adults in their 30s or past their 30s who end up always embarrassing themselves on the internet???
the fact that he turned out to be a total creep while not surprising is absolutely sickening. but not as sickening as the people who were defending him
Millenials are laughably dysfunctional
@Thetageist I agree. He needs actual help and needs to stay away from the internet for good
Another day another chud
I'm disappointed, but I'm more disappointed at myself for giving him the benefit of the doubt
He never deserved in the first place lololol
I worked alongside him on Off The Wall. He left the podcast to a new host Aalasteir. Now it's tainted. The sad thing about seeing the best in people. You never see the worst. It just fucking sucks. Why would he do that?
the incel to groomer pipeline is real
some deep shit indeed
@The-Great-One I was just thinking about ya recently and I’m glad current Off the Wall kinda escaped his ownership.
@Dungeonation I've been talking to Aalasteir. As of right now I have officially dropped any involvement with Off The Wall going forward. That project has been tainted. I told Aalasteir if he wants to make something new, I'll be along with him. I will not build upon a legacy left by a pedophile.